News: Teacher Quarters; Garage Sale; Summer Trip!

Teacher Quarters Near Completion:

Pastor George has good news to report: The latest photos below, from Bukasa, show the one-story Teacher Quarters unit completely finished and the two-story unit well underway! This new facility will provide teachers and other staff members with needed housing and should be ready for occupancy by early March. Thank you for your continued, loyal support of Ever Increasing Children’s Center.

Bukasa Summer 2020 Trip:

Because of the coronavirus we have postponed our summer 2020 trip to Uganda. We are tentatively planning to make the trip in the fall when the virus has subsided. We will keep you posted with news and updates as our plans develop.

Bukasa Garage Sale:

We are hosting a garage sale on Saturday, March 7, 7 am-noon, at the Rhoads’, 838 Silver Cloud St, TO. If you have items to donate please contact Bob, 805-428-5032, for pick-up or delivery. Items we are collecting include home goods (furniture, appliances, dishes, lamps, collectibles, etc.), tools, sports equipment, toys, and children’s items. Sorry, no beds, bed frames, or mattresses.

If you are available to help let us know! During the day-long event we have fun with lots of conversation, promoting Ever Increasing Children’s Center, helping customers, drinking coffee, and enjoying Deanne’s delicious banana bread. Text or call to give a heads-up of your availability (phone # above). Here’s where we need the helping hands:

Friday, March 6th…set-up, 1-3 pm.

Sat., March 7th…sales, any available time, 7 am-noon

Sat., March 7th… clean-up, noon-1 pm.

Thanks again for your support of Ever Increasing Children’s Center. God’s Word is taught daily, children are loved, and children are educated- all made possible through your generous giving.

Blessings to all.

Bob and the iheartBukasa Team