Twice the Impact- Matching Grant!

Dear Bukasa Supporters-
Your recent generous giving has helped us reach the HALF WAY point in our Building Campaign! With the $15,000 raised, Pastor George was able to purchase property for the future Ever Increasing Children’s Center classrooms- see photos below!

Please consider helping us complete the second half of our campaign goal and maximize your giving during our Matching Grant opportunity. Funds have been made available that will DOUBLE each dollar donated up to $10,000, through May 21! Your giving will have TWICE THE IMPACT! $20 becomes $40. $50 becomes $100! Your giving will provide the necessary funds to demo the existing building, purchase all materials, and complete the two new classrooms!

Thank you for your continued support. Thank you in advance for considering doubling your financial gift at this time. If you decide to give, please email me ( with the amount donated so we can track our progress as we work to cross the finish line!

The Lord is the “life” of this work and we trust Him to touch those who wish to partner with us in this last push. Through you, He is bringing life, vitality, education, and opportunity to the young ones of Bukasa.

As Pastor George would say, “Thank you, and may the Lord richly bless you”!

With gratitude for your partnership,

Bob and the iheartBukasa team

Officials ruled current structure unsafe for classroom use.
Demo can take place within days to make ready for new construction.
Exterior of new construction will complement current structures.
New classroom interiors will resemble existing design and setting.